Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Curing the Apartment with Apartment Therapy

Ever feel bored about the look of your humble abode, and no matter which way you change the position of every furniture, add up a little accessories in a room, they’re never enough to bring out the new spark of excitement. Or maybe you think that you are curse with a dreary, not-enough window kind of apartment to begin with, so no matter what you try to do with it, it just would not living up to your expectation?

Well, Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan, a New York based interior designer, really understand this dilemma you are in when he wrote the Apartment Therapy. He set up to prove that even the dreariest, no-view walk-up can be transformed into a cozy urban oasis using his "eight-step home cure”. His psychological approach to the attempt of re-decorating the house is really enjoyable; they make many readers get new perspective of their own home. His advice proves practical as he teaches readers how to determine a makeover budget, de-clutter, liberate themselves from a lifetime of accumulated possessions and choose paint hues. Gillingham-Ryan's belief that the right lighting can "create warmth and visual movement" leads to more helpful advice on choosing the right fixtures, the different types of light and the virtues of high-end candles.

Even many of the readers thought that the book lack of picture (actually there’s no picture at all in the book) as a minus, but I think this clever interior design really want to freed us from decorating our home the way others doing it, and instead, he asked us to get to know the character of our house better and decorate it the way it supposed to.

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