Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Capturing the Beauty of Paris in Philadelphia

Everyone could agree how beautiful Paris in springtime is, so who would not want to go to Paris in the spring – especially after a windy winter? It’s not April, and it’s not Paris, but Springtime in Paris”.

The Philadelphia Flower Show started in 1929 and now has become one of the biggest flower shows in the world. This 2011 Philadelphia International Flower Show runs from March 6 to 13 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. In the past, the show has introduced several unusual plants to the American public, including the poinsettia, the chrysanthemum, and the bird of paradise.

Featuring romantic and elegant scene of Paris which will include a giant model of the Eiffel Tower; "Opulent Paris," a garden exhibit in Belle Epoque–style; "Romantic Paris," featuring a wedding at Notre Dame; and additional exhibits that will reference Paris's café culture, the catacombs, Tour de France, a perfumerie, and more.

For those who have green thumbs, there are presentations of free gardening, as well as dozens of educational shows that study the latest trends in gardening. There are competitive classes for producers and gardeners from all over the world who will showcase their valuable plants and compete for prestigious awards. More than 580 artistic and horticultural classes will be on display more than 2000 entries in classes ranging from miniature setting pressed plants.

All proceeds from the flower show will benefit the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and will help fund the launch of Plant One Million campaign, a campaign to encourage planting one million trees in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, and City Harvest.

With all these excitements, 2011’s
Philadelphia Flower Show, runs from March 6 to 13, is certainly not an event to be missed.

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